
Why Meridian Massage ?


Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique often used in conjunction with acupuncture or reflexology. It is based on the concept of life energy, which flows through "meridians" in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points, or ashi trigger points, with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians. Pressure may be applied by hand, by elbow, or with various devices.

Practice shows Some medical studies have suggested that acupressure have effective at helping manage nausea and vomiting, insomnia, low back pain, migraines, and consitipation,

  Acupressure massage provided some long-term benefit for low back pain, It seems that acupressure or pressure point massage techniques provide more relief than classic (Swedish) massage.

An acupressure wristband that is claimed to relieve the symptoms of motion sickness and other forms of nausea provides pressure to the P6 acupuncture point, a point that has been extensively investigated.

There are several different instruments for applying nonspecific pressure by rubbing, rolling, or applying pressure on the reflex zones of the body.

To do Meridian massage at home is possible, as long as you choose the right massage tools. The highly recommend design is this multi-functional one. You can adjust the strength and position by yourself. Following us. To get more knowakage about self-treatments.

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